Alaba and Mendy reach special milestones and 2 more under-radar stories of the day

Alaba and Mendy reach special milestones and 2 more under-radar stories of the day

Endrick talks his character

“My mother and my sister say that I’m cold. People say I have a heart of ice and I’m very cold with the decisions I make and what I say,” the young striker told the Guardian.

Rodrygo unveils his new boots

His brand new Nikes look stunning.

Alaba, Mendy reach Madrid milestones

Ferland Mendy has played his 100th La Liga game for Real Madrid while it was the 100th appearance for Los Blancos in all competitions for David Alaba.

"I'm very happy, I hope I add a hundred more," the Austrian said.

AutoreAleksei BlokhinFonteTribuna
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