Fede Valverde rebels on Instagram and Araujo has to do with it: explained

Fede Valverde rebels on Instagram and Araujo has to do with it: explained

Real Madrid midfielder Fede Valverde has shown his solidarity to the footballers on strike in Uruguay against the mismanagement of the top division’s organizers.

Fede released a statement where he voiced his support to the local players and supporting the players forming a union to safeguard their well-being and needs.

Not just Valverde, but his teammates from the Uruguay national team also posted a similar message – including Barcelona defender Ronald Araujo.

The statement reads as (translated in English): In relation to the current situation that our colleagues in the local environment are going through, who since last September 7 had to adopt union measures that imply non-official competition.

"In defense of legitimate interests, the footballers members of the senior team express the following: 1) Our full support and support for the measure adopted, understanding that it seeks to establish necessary reforms to the current collective agreement, in pursuit of a modernization that is essential in our football, and thus adapt its situation to that of any developed country.

"2) We denounce that the serious situation that our football is experiencing is the result of the defense carried out by certain managers of a sector of clubs in relation to the political and economic interests of third parties that in no way agree with the development and well-being of Uruguayan football. These leaders are truly responsible for the current situation, as they have repeatedly and systematically refused to introduce the necessary reforms to modernize our football.

"3) We consider it essential to implement a reform that prioritizes the main asset that football has, which is none other than the footballers, so that they can develop their profession in a dignified environment and with fair working conditions. It is for all of the above that we reiterate our support for Mutual and our colleagues. You are not alone in this fight. Up Uruguay!"