'I'm thankful he acted differently': Fan praises Rodrygo for one crucial episode in Real Sociedad win

'I'm thankful he acted differently': Fan praises Rodrygo for one crucial episode in Real Sociedad win

After receiving a long ball from Federico Valverde, Rodrygo was in a wide position on the left side ahead of the Uruguayan's goal against Real Sociedad.

Instead of trying to do some magic himself, the Brazilian waited for Fran Garcia to join the attack and passed him the ball.

The left-back found Valverde with a one-touch pass before the latter also scored with his first touch.

We often see Rodrygo act differently in such situations. It's great that he proved himself as a team player in this episode.

💭 s_91 (Reddit): "I'm thankful he passed it to Fran and didn't decide to do everything by himself."

AuthorKosta KönigSourceReddit