Modric turns 38, confirms plans to become coach

Modric turns 38, confirms plans to become coach

"I'll be 38 on Saturday. That's fantastic," Luka Modric said in his interview with Croatian outlet Sporstke Novosti.

Modric continued: "If someone had told me 10 years ago that I'd still enjoy football and everything it brings: training, meeting my teammates, the support of the fans, I honestly wouldn't have believed them."

The veteran midfielder further confirmed he wouldn't leave football even after retirement in the coming years.

"The only thing I know is I want to stay in football. Which role? I've not yet come up with an idea.

"I've enrolled in the Academy of Coaches and I hope to finish it in Croatia," Modric informed.

Modric has been at Real Madrid for 11 seasons and already has five Champions League titles to his name after 492 games for the club.

However, the midfielder has seen his playing time limited this season despite Carlo Ancelotti opting for a four-midfielder formation.

AuthorKingsley_SourceSporstke Novosti