Revealed: McTominay's X-rated jibe at 9,000+ Liverpool fans at Old Trafford

Revealed: McTominay's X-rated jibe at 9,000+ Liverpool fans at Old Trafford

Scott McTominay could not conceal his emotions and his hatred for Liverpool after playing a key role in Man United’s 4-3 win over them.

Right after the blow of the final whistle, the Scottish full-back approached Andre Onana near his penalty box and gave him a big hug.

He actually even climbed on top of Onana and started to give it back to the rumoured 9,000+ Liverpool supporters that saw their side crumble in the FA Cup clash.

Scott could be seen mouthing ‘F*** You!’ to the travelling fans as he celebrated with the goalkeeper after the dramatic end to the game.

Onana was also delighted to win his first-ever game against Liverpool and after putting in a pretty admirable performance too.
