Bruno Fernandes reveals how long he wants to play for - it could mean a decade at Man United

Bruno Fernandes reveals how long he wants to play for - it could mean a decade at Man United

Bruno Fernandes wants to keep playing at least until 2030 when Portugal will host the World Cup Along with Spain and Morocco.

"I don't think about ending [career], but the competition is getting tougher and tougher," the Man United captain said, as quoted by RTP.

Increasingly, clubs are investing in youth teams, so that more players come [to the national team]. At that time [of the 2030 World Cup] it will be even more competitive, but, if I'm fit, and I'm at a level that is the minimum acceptable to be here, I hope to be here.

"Representing the national team in a major competition and in the country itself is very special. I hope to be present."

At the time of the World Cup in 2030, Fernandes will already be 35 years old. He did not explicitly say he wants to stay at Man United for all that time but, presumably, he'd love to keep playing at the highest level to stay in the Portugal squad.

Should Bruno stay at Man United through all that time, he would've spent just over a decade at Old Trafford since moving there in January 2020.

VerfasserMichael EllisQuelleRTP