Thiago return & more: 3 Liverpool positives in Arsenal defeat

Thiago return & more: 3 Liverpool positives in Arsenal defeat

Liverpool were beaten 3-1 at the Emirates. Arsenal deserved their victory, no two ways about it, but there are still a few positives to be taken from the game.

Thiago return

Is there a better sight in the world than Thiago Alcantara in the Liverpool midfield? Hardly so. When fit, the Spaniard is one of the best players in the world — and having him back after 284 days on the sidelines is a huge positive.

Thiago made a very short cameo at the Emirates but he'll surely be getting more time on the pitch as he builds up his fitness. And it will help the Reds massively in the final months of the season.

Macca at no. 6

It's difficult to spot a brilliant midfield performance when a team loses, but Alexis Mac Allister put in a very good shift at the base of the midfield. His metronomic passing helped the Reds keep the ball; he also made five blocks and three tackles.

The Argentine also tried to make things happen going forward with two successful take-ons but Liverpool missed creativity from their attackers.

Cushion remains

Arsenal have blown the title race open with their victory but it's not the end of the world. In fact, Liverpool still have the upper hand against the Gunners as the Reds are two points ahead of them in the standings.

Man City are five points behind Liverpool with two games in hand but they have a tricky fixture against Brentford today — and an Anfield date with Liverpool in March.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceTribuna