'Disrespectful. I don't like it': Roy Keane slams Brazil for dancing after goals

'Disrespectful. I don't like it': Roy Keane slams Brazil for dancing after goals

Brazil players and head coach Tite celebrated their side's goals with a samba dance during a 4-1 win against South Korea.

The world of football enjoys watching the Brazilians dance but it doesn't come as a surprise that a certain grumpy old man is unhappy.

"I’ve never seen so much dancing - it’s like watching Strictly! Can’t believe what I’m watching, I really can’t. South Korea, my goodness, I can’t believe what I’m watching," Roy Keane said on ITV.

"I don’t like this. [There is] a point about culture, I get that, but I think it’s disrespecting the opposition.

"It’s four and they’re doing it every time. I don’t mind the first kind of little jig - whatever they’re doing - but they’re still doing it after that, and then the manager getting involved with it.

"I’m not happy with it, I don’t think it’s very good at all."

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceITV