Alisson to Pele: 'You'll never walk alone'

Alisson to Pele: 'You'll never walk alone'

"Everybody knows that Pelé is not doing well with his health," Alisson told reporters after Brazil beat South Korea 4-1 in the World Cup Round of 16, as quoted by Diario AS.

"He means so much for us Brazilians, he means so much for football. It's just a small message from our team to him, we're praying for him to get better. We are together with him, he's not alone.

"You'll Never Walk Alone and he'll not walk alone at this hard moment. His family will not walk alone. We are with them, even if we are far away. If we can fight here at the World Cup and win games for him and win the competition for him, we'll do that."

Pele is currently in a hospital receiving treatment for colon cancer. It was reported that the football legend had been moved to end-of-life care but this has since been denied by his daughter.

Brazil demonstrated an attacking masterclass against South Korea but the score would not have been this comfortable for Selecao had the Liverpool goalkeeper not made a number of spectacular saves.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceDiario AS