'Lewis Hamilton in F1 car will win championships. Me in F1 car will wreck it': fan uses racing metaphor to defend VAR

'Lewis Hamilton in F1 car will win championships. Me in F1 car will wreck it': fan uses racing metaphor to defend VAR

"Put Lewis Hamilton in a F1 car and he'll win you championships. Put me in a F1 car and I'll probably wreck the car each week and probably hurt quite a few people too," Chelsea supporter leopardchief wrote on Reddit while discussing Millie's comments.

"Sometimes, it's not the tool, but the user. English refs were never the greatest and adding VAR to the mix just added a new dimension to the mess. Another way for them to f*** something up.

"When the refs themselves are inconsistent with the rules then it's easy to shift the blame to VAR because it's new. If we took VAR away, ref decisions would still be a major sticking point. If the referees improve then VAR will improve.

"With all of that in mind, I thought Brighton deserved the pen. I'd be upset if i were a Liverpool fan, but I'd also be pretty happy if i were a Brighton fan.

"I think this is Milner being sour at losing which is fine, but as many have said, he'd never post this if the situation was reversed. That's obviously fine, but it also dilutes his credibility lol."

Many Liverpool supporters are fuming at VAR because of the decision to award a late penalty against the Reds at Brighton. After the game, the Seagulls' forward Danny Welbeck conceded that the penalty was "soft".

But it's not only the pen that incensed the Reds faithful around the world, but the fact two Liverpool goals were disallowed. Many fans were already celebrating only to learn the goals would not stand.

What do think about this?

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceReddit