'I’ve got to be ready': Kyle Walker is determined to make Premier League history

'I’ve got to be ready': Kyle Walker is determined to make Premier League history

Kyle Walker is pumped for Sunday's big game against West Ham, but he's not getting ahead of himself.

He touched on the challenges of matching last season's success, including the tough loss to Real Madrid in the Champions League. But he's clear: there's still a lot of work to do this weekend.

Walker said: "It was always going to be a big task to replicate what we did last season, but we believed we could and I was optimistic. Penalties are the flip of a coin, but Real Madrid won and so were the better team."

"We’ve come up against two very good sides in Arsenal and Liverpool in the Premier League and it’s been enjoyable, it really has. Now, I’ve got to be ready for whatever the manager wants and we have to make sure we get three points on Sunday."

"The only time I would visualise lifting the trophy is after the final whistle has blown if we have won. I look at the lads around me and no matter who plays, I trust them all and know that somebody can pull out a piece of magic when needed."

"Of course, there’s extra responsibility being captain, but it’s been exciting and I’ve enjoyed it."
