'This guy just wants to get out of London asap': Football fans tell Arsenal they are done after Moyes conference

'This guy just wants to get out of London asap': Football fans tell Arsenal they are done after Moyes conference

David Moyes made some stir during his press conference, making football fans believe that Arsenal are already done. West Ham remain the last team to battle Man City this season and they are obviously the last hope of Arsenal to secure the title.

However, Moyes' words and facial expressions during the conference suggest that there is no hope for the Gunners.

He joked: "It would be difficult to stop their Under-14s winning the title. Professional is the word I would use. We will try and do the best we can."

Football fans reacted.

TigerAusRiga: "Sorry Arsenal fans, this guy just wants to get out of London asap."

Maffa22: "The words of a man who has seen it all."

missing_typewriters: "Moyes is cooked. Lad absolutely does not give a fuck anymore. Feel like he would have relished these games back at Everton."

Rhayadder: "His mouth- We'll try to do the best we can...

His face- :| "

cptmajormajormajor: "Is this your king, Arsenal?!?!?"

Schniboit: "Hahhaha Moyes is surrendering before the battle even starts."

rewp234: "Everyone talks about Pep being funny. But fired Moyes has been the most hilarious shit ever in English football."

DiedOfXhaxAttack: "Love the playing dead tactic, Moyes. Perfect time to put on a master class."

In their 5 last matches, West Ham got 4 points winning only one game. The team is already one step in the beach area.

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceReddit
