Has Benjamin Mendy made his Lorient debut yet? Answered

Has Benjamin Mendy made his Lorient debut yet? Answered

It's been almost a month since Benjamin Mendy was cleared of rape and attempted rape. Almost immediately he signed for FC Lorient, a midtable club from Ligue 1.

Although Lorient have played a bunch of pre-season games since then, Mendy has yet to make his debut for the new club. He was out of action for nearly two years and has a lot of catching up to do.

But it's not like he has hidden from the public domain. Mendy has been spotted mingling with Lorient fans, signing shirts and taking selfies:

Mendy and some of his teammates have also been spotted at the 2023 Lorient Interceltic Festival (and in between he wants to sue Man City).

Head coach Regis Le Bris has commented on Mendy's preparations: "He is involved. He brings a lot to the table like his knowledge from working with top coaches. It gives us a lot.

"He is getting closer [to coming back] as he is catching up with the rest of the group."

Lorient face Paris Saint-Germain for the start of the new Ligue 1 season and Mendy is not expected to start but you never know.

