Napoli president De Laurentiis: 'Smartphones make young people stupid. Make them watch Argentina v France at school'

Napoli president De Laurentiis: 'Smartphones make young people stupid. Make them watch Argentina v France at school'

Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis wants to propose changes to football to make it popular again, in partciular, among the very young people.

He is quoted by CalcioMercato: "I don't want to revolutionize football but I would like to make young people interested in it again. They're making themselves stupid with smaptphones, they don't have patience to follow football."

And here he proposes changes: "I would like to talk to the Minister of Education so they would make football coaches at school. Make them watch Argentina vs France."

He goes on: "We still have the 15-minute half-time break, it's crazy. There must be no break, we have 27 players to play the 90 minutes."

De Laurentiis is not the first to have raised the concern about young people losing interest in football. For example, for Real Madrid president Florentino Perez, it's one of the stated reasons to form the Super League.

However, he seems to be the first with the idea to abolish the half-time break, especially if games are meant to last 90+ minutes uninterrupted.

