Antonio Cassano: 'Roma are s*** and Mourinho sucks'

Antonio Cassano: 'Roma are s*** and Mourinho sucks'

Antonio Cassano has piled on Jose Mourinho once again after AS Roma made a European final for the second year straight.

Speaking on his Instagram page, Cassano said: "I start by saying that I'm very happy, because I love Rome and its people. But it is not possible [to play like AS Roma did against Bayer in a Europa League semi]. They dropped to the ground and didn’t have a decent action in 98 minutes."

"The coach will say that everything is special, but in life, as Napoleon said, he is better a lucky commander than a strong one. And he is very lucky, he is impressive.

"He [Mourinho] sucked, but it will be said that last year he won the Conference and now he has reached the final.

"I have to talk about football and analyse the game. [It was] a rather embarrassing performance, something you can’t understand at all. But what will he [Mourinho] say? I made it to the final, I won, I don’t give a s***. Well done Rome, but they did s***."

Cassano is not the only one to be irked by Mourinho's tactics in the Europa League semifinal but he's by far the most vocal critic of the Portuguese. He has been so persistent with his critique that Jose even cared to respond.

Mourinho said in April 2023: "Cassano played for Roma, Inter and Real Madrid.

"In Madrid, he is remembered for his jacket, with Roma he won a Super Cup without playing, in Inter he didn't even win the Lombardy Cup. You know what I won with Inter, Real Madrid and Rome.

"He will have a problem with me, I won't with him. I'll tell him only one thing, watch out Antonio, you're 40 and I'm 60."

Just in case you're wondering, the jacket thing is a reference to Cassano's look during his Real Madrid presentation.

The Italian had a decent career but his time at Real Madrid is probably best summed up by Jose Mourinho.

Regardless of the Europa League final outcome, you can be sure Antonio Cassano will be there to talk about it.
