Barcelona inform Sergi Roberto they want to keep him for another season (reliability: 4 stars)

Barcelona inform Sergi Roberto they want to keep him for another season (reliability: 4 stars)

Barcelona has informed Sergi Roberto that they want to keep the player at the club beyond this season, Mundo Deportivo reports.

The decision has been approved by Xavi, even though he is leaving the club after this campaign, as things stand.

Sergi Roberto's current deal expires this summer, which is why talks over the terms of a future deal must start soon.

Barcelona will likely offer the 32-year-old a one-year extension on the same terms due to Financial Fair Play concerns.

Sergi Roberto would be open to staying, although it could depend on who will be Barcelona's head coach next season.

Alternatively, there is an MLS option for him, although he believes it's still too early for a move across the ocean.

AuthorMichael EllisSourceMundo Deportivo