Inaki Pena names ex-Barca keeper as 'reference' for him — in tactical and mental sense

Inaki Pena names ex-Barca keeper as 'reference' for him — in tactical and mental sense

Victor Valdes is an inspirational figure for Inaki Pena, who says the ex-Barca man's never-say-die attitude and ability to play out from the back serve as a reference point to him.

"He is the goalkeeper I saw when I was a child," the 24-year-old said of Valdes in an interview with Relevo.

"What I liked most was how he responded to the idea of ​​starting the game from the back that Guardiola proposed, making the goalkeeper participate as another field player with his feet.

"Valdés did it with courage and character. He was a reference in this sense. If he failed he would try it again. That mentality is admirable."

Pena has made seven appearances so far this season for Barcelona, stepping up after Ter Stegen suffered an injury. He's conceded 12 goals but has impressed fans with his performances between the sticks, in particular against Porto and Atletico.

VerfasserAleksei BlokhinQuelleRelevo