'A Beast and The Monster': Xavi testing new centre-back pair in Barca training – Spotted

'A Beast and The Monster': Xavi testing new centre-back pair in Barca training – Spotted

Xavi has been testing an interesting centre-back pairing involving the beastly Ronald Araujo and Mikayil Faye - 'The Monster' as he's fondly called.

This pairing has been captured by cameras watching Barcelona train in Los Angeles, United States, ahead of their first pre-season games.

A closer look at this Barca 11 v 11 in training shows Araujo as the right centre-back with Faye on his left.

This pairing will most likely be seen in one of Barca's matches in preseason, possibly against Juventus on Saturday.

Multiple sources say Faye is one of the strongest defenders at Barca right now and it's almost impossible to disposes him with the ball at his feet, even though he's just 19.

The Senegalese defender only needs to work on the technical aspects of his game like passing, positioning and decision making to become an absolute colossus at Barca.
