How many Barca club members approve of Laporta? Revealed

How many Barca club members approve of Laporta? Revealed

Barcelona have conducted a poll, surveying 3,000 club members ("socios"). One of the questions they asked was whether they approve of the current board's management of the club.

80% of the club members responded yes, the report on the club's website says, with 52% saying it is good or excellent. The club members especially approve the introduction of online voting in decision-making and the use of levers to facilitate transfers last season.

59% of those surveyed said that they believe Barcelona's on-the-pitch performances will get better in the future.

Curiously, there's a relatively big level of support for the club's participation in the European Super League, with 65.7% supporting Barca's potential entry into the competition if it is established.

One thing the club members are worried about the most is the Negreira case, with 75.6% claiming that it concerns them.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceFC Barcelona