'He basically called me a donkey!': Carragher claims Messi wrote him on Instagram after he said Leo wasn’t a good signing for PSG

'He basically called me a donkey!': Carragher claims Messi wrote him on Instagram after he said Leo wasn’t a good signing for PSG

Former Liverpool star and TV pundit Jamie Carragher has claimed that Leo Messi had called him 'a donkey' in private after he said that Messi wasn't a good signing for PSG at the beginning of the season.

Carragher: "No Messi, we had that debate at the start of the season, didn't we, Ronaldo or Messi. I was the Messi man. He was Ronaldo, but unfortunately, even though he's... "

Neville: "He's not happy with you Messi is he?"

Carragher: "No, he's not happy with me at all. I had a little pop at Ronaldo early in the season. I didn't think it was a great signing for United. And I said the example of Messi. I didn't think Messi is a great signing for PSG... "

Neville: "It was on Monday Night Football, wasn't it?"

Carragher: "Yeah, it was on Monday Night Football... and I got a private message on Instagram... "

Neville: "From the man [Messi] himself?"

Carragher: "From the man himself. I will not be showing private messages, but he basically called me a donkey [laughing]. So he watches his football then, he watches Monday Night Football, so hopefully, he's watching Friday Night Football as well. Lionel, I absolutely love you, the greatest player of all time. Compared to you, I was a donkey, I accept it, but you're not getting into this team. You haven't played well enough, even if you did win the Copa America in the summer. It's not enough to leave my man out, Mo Salah."

We can't quite believe Messi would watch a Sky Sports show and purposefully call Carragher a donkey – unless it was just a little banter... or one of Leo's sons did this?

AuthorKosta KönigSourceSky Sports