4 reasons why Mascherano decided to retire amid ongoing season

4 reasons why Mascherano decided to retire amid ongoing season
  • Javier Mascherano is 36 years old now, and there are footballers that play beyond this age, but the Argentine decided to call it quits; as Mundo Deportivo report, there are four factors that accelerated his retirement.
  • First, South American football is more intense and rough than we're used to and Mascherano could no longer cope with the speeds.
  • Second, Gabriel Milito — Javier's teammate from Barcelona and Argentina — was coaching Estudiantes but has resigned because of the bad results.
  • Third, his teammates and friends have left: Gaston Fernandez retired while Marcos Rojo returned to Manchester United.
  • And fourth, there was no football in Argentina for seven months because of the pandemic, and Mascherano realized during this time that the feelings are no longer the same.
  • 'El Jefe' played for Barca between 2010 and 2018, managing 334 appearances, one goal and eight assists; he helped the Catalans win 19 trophies
AuthorDumitru P.SourceMundo Deportivo