Chelsea reach agreement with Palmeiras over Estevao move (reliability: 4 stars)

Chelsea reach agreement with Palmeiras over Estevao move (reliability: 4 stars)

According to Cesar Luis Merlo, Chelsea have reached an agreement to sign one of Brazil's biggest talents!

Palmeiras accepted the Blues' €65m offer for Estevao. It's going to take place in the summer of 2025 when the Brazilian turns 18.

The 17-year-old usually plays as a right winger, although he can be a '10' or an attacking midfielder if needed. The youngster nicknamed 'Messinho' stands out for his exceptional dribbling and playmaking.

Estevao was Brazil's standout player at the recent U17 World Cup. He has been in top form lately, scoring two crucial goals for Palmeiras in his last five matches and impressing in the other fixtures.

AutoreKosta KönigFonteCesar Luis Merlo
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