Chelsea & Liverpool fans unite for one thing during League Cup final — Rishi Sunak won't be happy

Chelsea & Liverpool fans unite for one thing during League Cup final — Rishi Sunak won't be happy

Liverpool fans began chanting 'F*** the Tories' at some point during the League Cup final. The Blues responded with a similar song aimed at the ruling Conservative party.

This was a nice show of unity among the two sets of fans. Here is what Chelsea supporters on Reddit are saying about it.

"First time I've agreed with Liverpool fans," one Blue wrote.

"I know we live in a polarised world these days but everyone cool hates the Tories," another added.

"Yeah, fuck the Tories. I’m kind of jealous that Liverpool are more politically active than us while we have a bunch of arseholes from the Conservative Party calling themselves Chelsea fans. I really don’t want to be associated with those c***s," another commented.

"Something to unite us all at last," another Chelsea fan said.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceReddit