'I still believe': Romano on what Chelsea will do in January market

'I still believe': Romano on what Chelsea will do in January market

Chelsea haven't signed anyone in the winter transfer market, a huge departure from the previous three markets in which the Blues spent over £1bn on new players.

“Chelsea are always a club to look out for in general for the final days," Fabrizio Romano told Give Me Sport. “It was a quiet window for them, not just in the final days of the market. But I still believe that Chelsea are closely monitoring some opportunities.

“But they could stay with the same squad if they believe he is not the right player. For example, Duran at Aston Villa was a player Chelsea considered internally, but they never made a bid.”

The winter transfer window closes on Thursday, February 1, at 11pm UK time.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceGive Me Sport