'Soccer is the least talented sport on Earth. How untalented must you be to score with the net so big?': UFC chief Dana White

'Soccer is the least talented sport on Earth. How untalented must you be to score with the net so big?': UFC chief Dana White

According to UFC president Dana White, you don't have to be extra-talented to score goals in football.

The American, who claims he respects ice hockey more than football, argues that there should be more goals scored in football because the goal net is a lot bigger than in any other sport.

"I'm not a big hockey fan, but I respect so much how talented you have to be to play hockey. I can't stand soccer, I think that it's the least talented sport on earth," White said.

"You run around a kick a ball," he continued, before being interrupted by the reporter who told him he would think differently if he were to be in Brazil.

"Dude, I say this in every country where you're playing a game where the net is this big, right, and the score is three to one," White responded.

"When you're playing a game where the net is this big right, and the score is 3-1, are you sh***ting me right now? 

"Now in hockey, you have guys on skates, right? With crooked sticks, where they have to hit a puck into a net that's the same size as a goalie, ok? That's a sport where the score should be 3-1," White said.

That's certainly not exclusively White's view: in the United States, sports like baseball and basketball are more popular than football. Moreover, they have their own game they call 'football' while referring to the game we love as 'soccer'.

However, even though football is a low-scoring sport, it remains the most popular one in the world. Even the USA are trying to catch up as they will host the next World Cup in 2026, along with Canada and Mexico.
