Zinchenko — keep or sell? Arsenal fans split on Oleksandr's future — have your say in the comments, too

Zinchenko — keep or sell? Arsenal fans split on Oleksandr's future — have your say in the comments, too

Oleksandr Zinchenko has caused Arsenal to fall off in the 2023/24 Premier League title race with his poor performance in the recent loss to Aston Villa.

The 27-year-old is a driven individual but tends to switch off during games which have made him a divisive figure among the supporters. Here are some reasons to keep or sell Zinchenko.

✅Zinchenko is perfectly adapted to Arteta's system and is technically adept to help Arsenal excel in retaining possession or stretching the opposition backline's shape with his movement or passing.

✅He is versatile enough to play in a number of roles, including in midfield. Zinchenko also has the experience of winning multiple Premier League titles.

❌Zinchenko is defensively sloppy. He struggles to maintain positional discipline and often strays away from his man, leaving Arsenal vulnerable at the back.

❌He isn't exactly the most prolific attacking full-back either, only having six goal contributions in 66 appearances for Arsenal.

Where do you stand on the Zinchenko debate? Tell us in the comments!

AuthorUttiyo ScarnageSourceTribuna.com