‘I really hope Arteta can learn!’: Tribuna.com names best comment of the week in global Arsenal community

‘I really hope Arteta can learn!’: Tribuna.com names best comment of the week in global Arsenal community

Every day, our editors surf the Internet searching for top comments and reactions from the Gunners fans. Picking the best one is never easy

Here is this week’s winner!

The Gunners have been far from impressive in front of goal in recent games and one of our supporters believes this is a reflection of Mikel Arteta’s personality.

Tomi126 writes in the comments on The Guardian website: "Arsenal is starting to reflect what Arteta was like as a player [for the Gunners] - very safe and disciplined, but not enough creativity, risk-taking, or goals.

"I hope I'm wrong, but after listening to his post-match interview, he seems to be absolutely baffled as to why the players aren't scoring, and doesn't seem to have any solutions. My fear is that he is more suited to the role of a coach than as a tactical manager.

"It must be so disheartening to play in a team where you are required to work so hard game after game, but not reap any goals or rewards from it. This is also the reason why - aside from the wage issue - I think Ozil was not selected for his squad, because as a player he completely undermines Arteta's entire philosophy, by being able to create chances out of absolutely nothing with minimal effort.

"Watching Aubameyang's performance withering away is just painful, and the fact that this is Arsenal's worst start to the league ever, whilst Ozil wasn't even chosen for the squad shows how skewed Arteta's ideas are. But I really hope he can learn."

Alex Baguzin, Tribuna.com Arsenal editor: “Tomi's comment is my personal pick. While I don't necessarily agree with all of it, what with Arteta talking about how scoring goals wins you matches and no defensive organization can change that, I see the logic.

“Arteta at Arsenal was a distributor, whose role was to play it safe, minimize the risks and keep the ball in circulation. A lot of Arsenal's play in the league looks like that nowadays, but I still think the Spaniard is bright enough to turn it around. What's certain is that squad issues extend beyond Mikel - any manager would need time to sort them out.”

Honourable mentions

Finding cultural references and similarities between football and cinema is always fun. Reddit user p0lowww claims our recent game against Tottenham reminded him of the Star Wars saga.

"As I watched the game yesterday and the inevitable happened, my brain tried to cope with the pain and frustration and this weird thought/theory came up mixing Arsenal and Star Wars... or rather Sp*rs and the Prequel Trilogy,” p0lowww writes.

"With each passing season, and especially the recent series of NLD, it feels more and more like letting Kane go was the beginning of our own demise.

"Was he the chosen one? Was he supposed to bring balance to North London and ended up destroying us? Now he even plays for the Emperor Palpatine of football! On the bright side, maybe a new hope is just around the corner."

Evgeniy Kozhemiako, Tribuna.com Arsenal community manager: “I pick p0lowww’s comment for that comparison with Star Wars. I love this epic space opera! Imo, the comparison of Mourinho with Emperor Palpatine is a perfect description of Jose's image. Mourinho - the Master of the Dark Side of Football! And in the end, the Republic (Arsenal) will beat the Empire (Tottenham) to set a new era for years to come.”

Alan DeRong Kang,  Tribuna.com Arsenal community manager: “I picked the following comment because recently due to all the losses, some fans are calling Arteta’s head and more. Most of the fans are serious. I reckoned we need to cut Arteta some slack as a manager, time is needed for the system to work let alone January’s recruitment. While this comment of Star Wars, I find it good as its light-hearted and may find itself on point given Kane’s current form."

Another Arsenal supporter, Billish, jokingly writes on The Guardian website: "I can't see that we Gunners have anything to worry about. Giroud is banging them in, Ramsey and Santi Cazorla are showing their incredible skills, Mkhitarian and Gervinho are scoring, so is Welbeck.

"Walcott is chipping in, as is Iwobi, Torreira pops in the odd goal, Monreal is giving his all as ever, the Ox is still great when he's not injured. Kos and the other Gabriel are still playing, even Fabregas is getting vital goals. Fabianski, Szczesny, Ospina and Martinez are all stopping goals and getting regular playing time. And we still have Özil."

Aleksei Blokhin, Tribuna.com Arsenal editor: “Arsenal are poor results-wise now, and some humour helps alleviate the stress. I am also genuinely happy to see our former players do well at other clubs: given how much stick most of them were given at Arsenal, it says our issue extends way beyond bad recruitment choices with players or managers (Emery is making things happen at Villarreal).”


We congratulate Tomi126 on the win and are looking forward to reading more and more great comments from Arsenal fans!

AutoreAndrey ChegodaevFonteTribuna.com
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