Doctor: When Christian Eriksen finally opened his eyes, he said, ‘Damn, I’m only 29 years old’

Doctor: When Christian Eriksen finally opened his eyes, he said, ‘Damn, I’m only 29 years old’

German doctor Jens Kleinefeld was one of the medics who helped save Eriksen's life.

Speaking to Fox Sports he revealed the conversation between them when Christian regained consciousness: “About 30 seconds later, the player opened his eyes and I could talk to him directly.

“That was a very moving moment, because in such medical emergencies in everyday life, the chances of success are much lower.”

He asked the player: “Well, are you back with us?” and the attacking midfielder then replied: “Yes, I am back with you. For f***s sake, I’m only 29 years old!”

“That's when I knew the brain wasn't damaged and he had fully returned,” Kleinefeld added.

During the game between Denmark and Finland, Eriksen collapsed suffering a cardiac arrest.

The Inter Milan midfielder required immediate medical attention and was shifted to a hospital where his condition stabilised.

AuthorEvgeniy KozhemiakoSourceFox Sports
