Marcelo told he's 'most overrated player' in the world — Madrid fans jump to legend's defence

Marcelo told he's 'most overrated player' in the world — Madrid fans jump to legend's defence

British journalist Raj Chohan wrote on a social network formerly called Twitter: "Marcelo has the most overrated legacy of any player in modern football.

"Genuinely much worse defensively than any of Trent, Cancelo, Zinchenko and others who get criticised for such. Even his peer at the time Jordi Alba was a better defender. Shouldn’t be in all-time conversations."

"Marcelo was a big reason why Real Madrid won less leagues than Barca," he added.

A big discussion began, with the Blancos faithful defending Marcelo from the unfair criticism. Here are some takes.

Kiyan Sobhani: "Don’t normally bite on football Twitter sensationalism but you replace Marcelo with any of these wing-backs listed and you’ve downgraded significantly. Football is not analyzed in only one single facet. Marcelo at left back was basically a cheat code offensively."

DrYash: "Bro legit called 'The most decorated player in the history of Real Madrid' legacy as overrated lol. The reason I never take twitter tacticos seriously"

Druchk: "Marcelo being “much worse” defensively than Trent, Cancelo and Zinchenko is up there with the worse takes I’ve ever seen on this app, and that says a lot, sure Marcelo wasn’t great defensively but much worse than the ones you’ve listed, you either didn’t watch him or trying to rile people up, either way it’s a bit embarrassing."

Paul Tenorio: "LOL. Marcelo's offensive contribution in his prime has been a top 10 worldwide, not just among full-backs, but also when considering midfielders and forwards. In fact, that he wasn't a super defender makes many undervalue him."

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceTwitter