'Ten Hag defends his player': Fulham coach refuses to apologise for video mocking Fernandes 

'Ten Hag defends his player': Fulham coach refuses to apologise for video mocking Fernandes 

Marco Silva has not apologised to Manchester United for Fulham’s mocking TikTok of Bruno Fernandes

Erik Ten Hag demanded on Thursday that the club say sorry after the clip from last weekend’s game showed his skipper rolling on the floor in agony before jumping back to his feet to request the ball. The caption read: “So glad he’s OK”.

Asked about the affair in his pre-match press conference before facing Brighton on Saturday, Silva said: “I am not a big fan of social media but as you would expect I am aware of this.

"It was a reaction from Ten Hag. When a manager defends a football player I think it is a normal situation. With one of our players, I am going to defend them to the last.

"We all noticed that Ten Hag said he had not seen the post. He was speaking after a question from a journalist. I haven’t heard the question - I don’t know how the journalist put that question.

"For a manager at that moment, if you say to me that 10 minutes ago if any club said something about my player, I am going to defend my player even if I haven’t seen it. That is the situation.”

The Portuguese manager added: “Let’s talk about Bruno as well. He is the captain of Manchester United. He is a player that I know really well.

“He is a top player and a top professional is what I can say about him. He is a top quality player and a top professional. You are not a Manchester United captain if you don’t have all the whole package in the same box and be such an important player. This is important to say.

"Ten Hag defends his player. I can understand that. All the other noise around and all that stuff comes because it is Man United. I understand everything - it is because it is Manchester United. If it were Marco Silva reacting in one way, it would probably be finished in 10 seconds after.”

AuthorToby PrinceSourceBBC