'I want to stop being the Diletta you know': Karius' girlfriend posts cringe letter ahead of EFL Cup final

'I want to stop being the Diletta you know': Karius' girlfriend posts cringe letter ahead of EFL Cup final

Loris Karius, Newcastle's third-choice goalkeeper, is expected to start against United in the League Cup final.

The German last played a competitive game two years ago while on loan at Union Berlin. His career went downhill after the 2018 Champions League final, when his two mistakes led to his Liverpool side losing to Real Madrid.

The unlikely twist of events that sees Karius in contention to start in the League Cup final has led to shouts of a 'Karius remontada', with many rival and neutral fans wishing him to put in a great shift against United.

This is all fine but there's a line between wishing Karius well and writing a huge public letter to the goalie — which is what the German's girlfriend did.

"Dear Loris," Diletta Leotta wrote in a letter published in the Athletic.

"I would like to write this letter to you tomorrow, or later, once the game taking you back on the pitch after these two interminable, painful and incredible years is over.

"For now, I want to stop being the Diletta you know and, like Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, put myself in the shoes of the “Ghost of Christmas past” and make you turn, look back and appreciate just how far you’ve come.

"The days you spent believing in your dream, loving it, holding it so tight only to have it brutally ripped away from you.

"The two years of sad nights, the knot in your throat and the bad thoughts that kept you away from playing, but not from your greatest passion; the green football pitch that makes millions of children dream every day.

"A big thank you to your team and the strength you’ve been able to find in one another. Of course, we don’t deny it, the blow was hard, but, as you taught me, life is 10 per cent what happens to you and 90 per cent how you decide to react.

"And you decided to build your future by embracing change and working even harder to get back, back to the forefront. Once more, I’m so proud of you.

"That is why from the first moment we met I admired your strength and courage. You told me about the long journey you’ve been on, your rebirth, and the strength with which you believe in yourself. It made me fall in love with you.

"Sometimes you need to take a step back in order to make a better run-up and I am sure this run-up will lead you and the whole team to fly. No one deserves it more.

"As a child, I always loved fairytales and I can’t wait to read this happy ending.

"With love, Diletta"

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceThe Athletic