Stricter refs & 6 more big changes in Premier League rules this season

Stricter refs & 6 more big changes in Premier League rules this season

Get ready for some big changes in rules as referees chief Howard Webb says these changes aren't just temporary – they're sticking around. Players and managers will need to adjust, and do it fast.

Games are going to last a lot longer

Football's changing the game clock! We first saw it at the World Cup, then English football tried it during the EFL season. Now, the Premier League is up next.

The IFAB, the rule-makers, want more playing time when the ball is in action. They're calling it "effective playing time." Last season, it was around 48-54 minutes in different leagues. They want referees to be exact with time for goals and substitutions. No more generic 30 seconds.

They're also telling refs to speed up the game and deal with players who slow it down. But players won't run nonstop. They just want more action. Some thought about two 30-minute halves with pauses, but the IFAB didn't go for it.

Stricter refs and clampdown on tactical time-wasting

The plan is also to speed things up! Reffs getting strict on time-wasting, big and small. Players who stall the game or try sneaky tricks will get a yellow card. No more delaying tactics. Goalkeepers taking too long with kicks will get warned early.

When players pretend to be hurt to slow down, they must leave for 30 seconds. This should stop the trick. Players can get treated on the field, but they'll wait on the sidelines. In a nutshell, the game's cracking down on stalling for more non-stop action!

Teams to be punished for surrounding a referee and poor behaviour

Players surrounding refs to argue has also become a problem. Last season, the English FA charged more clubs for this bad behaviour than ever before.

But there's a new strict rulebook, the Participant Charter. It aims to stop copycat behaviour and change how players treat refs. Mark Webb, IFAB head, wants more respect for refs, like in other sports.

Here's the deal: Captains must control their teammates. Too many crowding a ref or getting in their face means a yellow card for at least one player. If a player touches a ref or pretends to show a yellow card, they'll get a yellow card too.

Coaches will have to behave in the technical area

Sideline behaviour is getting a makeover! Coaches can't go wild or wave imaginary cards anymore. New rule: a technical area code of conduct. Managers and coaches must behave. The goal? Consistent manners and a better atmosphere.

Webb, IFAB head, says emotions are fine, but in control. No tantrums. If not, penalties come. Only one coach at the front. A second stepping-up gets booked. And this: Sent-off managers can't watch from stands. Like red-carded players, they head to the changing room.

More VAR audio presentations

In May, the Premier League did something new. They shared the audio of VAR talks and admitted when refs made mistakes.

People liked it, so it's coming back. "We're committed going into the new season of at least once a month," Webb confirmed. "We'll be selecting clips that we think are interesting to the viewer, that give some real insight.

Strict protocol over concussion

If a player gets a head injury and leaves the game, they can't play for 7 to 12 days. This means they'll likely miss the next Premier League game. The FA wants to be responsible with concussion rules and player safety.

Change to red cards for denying a scoring chance

Changes are happening in football rules! Before, if a defending player fouled while trying to get the ball in the penalty area, they could get a red card.

Now, things are a bit different. The "double jeopardy" rule has widened. If a player is challenging for the ball, not just trying to win it with a tackle, it might not be a red card offense. For example, shoulder-to-shoulder challenges might not lead to red cards anymore.

Last season, Man City's Cancelo got a red card for fouling Wilson. Now, with the new rule, it might be a yellow card instead.

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceESPN
