'Captain. Leader. Intellectual Property thief': Chelsea fans slam Terry for promoting NFTs

'Captain. Leader. Intellectual Property thief': Chelsea fans slam Terry for promoting NFTs

John Terry has promoted an NFT collection called 'Ape Kids Club'. The Ape Kids Club collection features 9,999 digital images of footballers styled as apes.

The Chelsea legend is their 'head coach' and he has supported them through Twitter. Other players such as Tammy Abraham, Willian and Jack Wilshere have joined the Ape Kids Club.

The Athletic report Chelsea are 'taking a look' at Terry's actions promoting the NFTs in question.

They are concerned the images use the club badge and intellectual property.

If you want to read more about what NFTs are and Terry's involvement, we wrote an explainer on that a few weeks ago.

The Athletic's report was shared on Reddit and Chelsea fans are unhappy with the former Blues captain.

The reason is that many see NFTs as a pyramid scheme and are understandably unhappy with Terry participating in it.

Here are a few comments off Reddit.

BasedGodLegacy: "Captain. Leader. Intellectual Property thief."

RJLHUK: "I love John but he’s not the sharpest tool in the box."

VictorIntimate: "Could not care less about IP, but marketing NFTs to kids is shady af"

jack0rias: "Shame on JT for abusing his position like this though. Sours the love I have for him a bit."

Satans-intervention: "Worth remembering that these players/ex-players are being paid to promote these. No one famous who says they are buying NFTs are really buying them. They are being paid to say that.

"Also worth remembering that NFTs are essentially a con, a house of cards that could fall at any minute, an attempt to artificially introduce scarcity to a market that has none; and the exit strategy is to get rubes so invested in these worthless tokens that they will buy out the companies rather than let them crash and leave their “investment” worthless. And crash they will.

"JT is the greatest defender I ever saw play, bar none with zero competition, but he is the pits as a person. Pushing NFTs to kids is gross."

AuthorAleksei Blokhin