Why Soucek's goal vs Arsenal was given despite ball seemingly going over goalline: explained

Why Soucek's goal vs Arsenal was given despite ball seemingly going over goalline: explained

Tomas Soucek was able to put West Ham United in the lead against Arsenal in rather controversial fashion.

While his finish was clean, the circumstances leading to the goal definitely weren’t. It appeared that Jarrod Bowen, who assisted it, had passed the ball after it went over the line.

After the goal, the VAR officials took a really long time looking at different angles to decipher whether the ball was in or outside the line.

In the end, the goal was given. This was because there was no ‘conclusive evidence’ found by the officials that the ball had gone out the line.

This has, understandably, infuriated a lot of Arsenal fans because on the TV replays – it looked like the ball had gone over the line.

The VAR officials are yet to exactly describe what caused them to approve this goal, which is probably going to be done after the game.

AuthorUttiyo ScarnageSourceTribuna.com