Fresh important update on Alphonso Davies-Real Madrid situation

Fresh important update on Alphonso Davies-Real Madrid situation

Alphonso Davies has reached a complete agreement with Real Madrid, he will play for Los Blancos next season if everything goes smoothly.

According to Diario AS, Real Madrid are offering Bayern €25m to sign the defender. They are however willing to up their offer to €30m at the max.

However, at the moment, Bayern are only willing to let go of the player in the summer for €50m.

Real Madrid have the ball in their court in this case as the relationship between the player and his club is completely broken. If Bayern refuses to sell him at Real's offer, Los Blancos will simply wait to get him for free in 2025.

This summer, Real Madrid will get Mbappe for free after multiple years of tracking the player. Recall that in 2021 Real Madrid made an offer north of €200m for the Frenchman but PSG said no. The same case could apply to Davies.

However, it was a similar scenario when Real Madrid signed Kroos in 2014 for €25m. The player was worth €50m at the time but Bayern let him go at a cut price after he refused to sign an extension.