Who's in charge of Liverpool transfers after Schamdtke's exit?

Who's in charge of Liverpool transfers after Schamdtke's exit?

Liverpool are without a sporting director right now, with Jorg Schmadtke leaving the club after the end of the January transfer window.

The Reds are reportedly looking for a new sporting director but no appointments have been made. Liverpool are said to be trying to persuade Michael Edwards to come back and are considering other options.

However, transfer operations continue despite having no sporting director. head of recruitment Dave Fallows and chief scout Barry Hunter have taken on Schmadtke's responsibilities, the Daily Mail report.

Fallows and Hunter are currently 'finalising Liverpool's transfer plans' — and these plans would remain in place even after the new sporting director and new manager appointments are made.

Curiously, Fallows and Hunter could end up assuming the sporting director job officially. Journalist Ben Jacobs told Caught Offside: “I also wouldn't rule out Hunter and Fallows being internally promoted because they're two of the best in the business, and they work together very effectively. So, that's an option as well.

“I'm sure, even if Edwards comes in, that he, having worked with them before, will also consider enhanced roles for Hunter and Fallows. So, it's a strange situation because there are candidates and there are plans. But it all depends on what Edwards says first.”

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