Disgraceful: Fulham forward tries to distract Mendy by undoing keeper's gloves during corner routine

Disgraceful: Fulham forward tries to distract Mendy by undoing keeper's gloves during corner routine

Edouard Mendy kept yet another clean sheet in his amazing season as he kept Fulham at bay. However, that clearly did not sit well with forward Bobby Reid, who did something we can't quite recall seeing before!

During a Fulham corner, Reid was the closest Fulham player to Mendy and was trying to distract the keeper. There's no issue with that - however, the way he was going about it was wrong!

Reid tried to undo Mendy's gloves as he kept on touching them several times in the span of a few seconds before the corner was taken - have a look:

Reid's eyes are on Mendy's glove and his hands constantly keep going there - a cheeky trick by the forward, but one that should not be encouraged at all.

Of course, Fulham were unable to get past Mendy as we won the game 2-0.

AuthorTaha MemonSourceTribuna.com