'Best rivals in the world. Tottenham I f*cking love you': Arsenal fans react to Spurs' 6-1 defeat

'Best rivals in the world. Tottenham I f*cking love you': Arsenal fans react to Spurs' 6-1 defeat

Newcastle crushed Tottenham 6-1, scoring 5 goals in the first 20 minutes. According to WhoScored Newcastle had 25 total shots with 8 of them on target.

Spurs fans were the ones who yelled the most about Arsenal's seasons as "the biggest bottlejob in history", so Gunners were quick to react to Tottenham's defeat:

ArcticNano: There is nothing Spurs fans can say to us after this season, even if we don't win the league at least we didn't concede 5 goals in 20 minutes

amrfctn: Best rivals in the world. Tottenham I f*cking love you.

SnooWalruses3948: Nagelsmann wants to take this mess on? Good luck to him, the horse is already dead.

Bedeeki: Remember when Spurs fans ran the narrative that Højbjerg is better than Partey ☠️. Man's playing hot potato with a football.

There were also comments telling that Newcastle looks like a dangerous opponent:

grim_tales1: Spurs are Spurs, but Newcastle look dangerous and it wouldn't surprise me if Chelsea suddenly remember how to play football when we play them too.

LushLoxx: I'm not laughing yet, we still have to go there.

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceReddit
