OFFICIAL: Ex-Red Kabak joins Norwich

OFFICIAL: Ex-Red Kabak joins Norwich

As reported earlier in the day, Ozan Kabak has made a return to the Premier League after spending 6 months with Liverpool on loan last season.

The centre-back has joined Norwich City from Schalke on loan as well, and he will be in East Anglia till the end of the 2021/22 campaign.

On his move, Kabak said: The 21-year-old said: "I played in the Premier League last year and I really enjoyed it. I spoke with the head coach and I'm really impressed by his project and what he said to me. I believe in him and his project."

Having made himself a bit of a cult-hero in his time with the Reds, Kabak will be hoping to prove the Reds wrong for not signing him permanently.

AuthorDivij KSourceNorwich City Official