The only coach who got special farewell post from Messi, it's not Guardiola

The only coach who got special farewell post from Messi, it's not Guardiola

Leo Messi's Instagram account appeared 9 years ago. It has 800+ posts but only one of them is a special farewell post for his former coach.

Surprisingly, it is Ernesto Valverde.

"Thank you for everything, boss. Surely you will be great wherever you go because, in addition to being a great professional, you are a great person. Good luck and a big hug," Leo wrote after Valverde got sacked mid-season in 2020.

You may be surprised that it is not Pep Guardiola. In fact, Leo skipped his farewell in 2012. It was explained that Messi was just 'too emotional' to show up.

As for Valverde, Barcelona veterans were said to have a special bond with the 58-year-old. Rumour has it the coach didn't make them work too much in training which was very much appreciated by the locker room heavyweights.

AuthorKosta Kö