Hazard, Ancelotti & 7 more players & managers Chelsea allegedly breached FFP rules to sign

Hazard, Ancelotti & 7 more players & managers Chelsea allegedly breached FFP rules to sign

The Guardian revealed earlier today that Chelsea could face financial sanctions or a possible points deductions for breaking the Financial Fair Play rules.

The alleged breaching happened during the Abramovich era and the new ownership self-reported part of it to the FA and UEFA. The Blues have already been fined for it, and further investigation is underway.

A new investigation, titled Cyprus Confidential due to the use of Cypriot offshore companies by Abramovich, suggests that the breaches were larger than previously thought. It is claimed that the Russian billionaire 'bought [Chelsea's] success'.

The Guardian explicitly name players and two coaches whose agents allegedly benefitted from payments made by Chelsea. These payments were not properly reported to the authorities at that time.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceThe Guardian